University Texts

Showing 539 products
Memory in Place by Ashley Barnwell - 9781760466077
Memory in Place
Ashley Barnwell
Memory in Place brings together Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars and practitioners grappling with the continued...
Grassroots Law in Papua New Guinea by Melissa Demian - 9781760466114
Grassroots Law in Papua New Guinea
Melissa Demian
The introduction of village courts in Papua New Guinea in 1975 was an ambitious experiment...
China between Peace and War by Victor S. C. Cheng - 9781760465711
China between Peace and War
Victor S. C. Cheng
In China between Peace and War, Victor S. C. Cheng explores the gripping history of...
After the Coup by Monique Skidmore - 9781760466138
After the Coup
Monique Skidmore
The coup in Myanmar on 1 February 2021 abruptly reversed a decade-long flirtation with economic...
Securities and Financial Services Law
Securities and Financial Services Law is an authoritative text on the regulation of Australian securities...
Laying Down the Law by David Hamer - 9780409357585
Laying Down the Law
David Hamer
Laying Down the Law provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the study of law....
Laying Down the Law & Concise Australian Legal Dictionary Bundle
Hamer Jones O Mara Smith Taylor
Hayes & Eburn Criminal Law and Procedure in New South Wales
R. Howie
Hayes & Eburn Criminal Law and Procedure in New South Wales explains and discusses the...
Principles of Economics by Dean S. Karlan - 9781760423964
Principles of Economics
Dean S. Karlan
Australian Public Law by Appleby - 9780190338664
Australian Public Law
Business Ethics by Gael McDonald - 9781107674059
Business Ethics
Gael McDonald
Business Ethics introduces students to ethical issues and decision-making in a variety of contemporary contexts....
The Compleat Busoni, Volume 3 by Larry Sitsky - 9781760465971
The Compleat Busoni, Volume 3
Larry Sitsky
VOLUME 3: I. Ending to Dr. Faust II. Definitive version of the Fantasia Contrappuntistica for...
The Compleat Busoni, Volume 2 by Larry Sitsky - 9781760465957
The Compleat Busoni, Volume 2
Larry Sitsky
VOLUME 2: Busoni's other music: A complete survey. Larry Sitsky, professor emeritus at The Australian...
Sisters in Peace by Kate Laing - 9781760465995
Sisters in Peace
Kate Laing
Is preparing for war the best means of preserving peace? In Sisters in Peace, Kate...
Return to Volcano Town by R. W. Johnson - 9781760466039
Return to Volcano Town
R. W. Johnson
Wally Johnson and Neville Threlfall re-examine the explosive volcanic eruptions that in 1937-43 killed more...
Adapting for Inertia by Grant Douglas - 9781760466091
Adapting for Inertia
Grant Douglas
Despite much learning and research over many decades, large ICT software projects have continued to...
A Young Englishman in Victorian Hong Kong by Benjamin Penny - 9781760465919
A Young Englishman in Victorian Hong Kong
Benjamin Penny
In August 1855, 16-year-old Chaloner Alabaster left England for Hong Kong, to take up a...
Watershed by Anika Gauja - 9781760465810
Anika Gauja
Australia's 2022 federal election played out in ways that few could have expected. Not only...
Contemporary Management ISE by Gareth Jones - 9781264972432
Contemporary Management ISE
Gareth Jones
Contemporary Management 12e mirrors the changes taking place in today's management practice by incorporating recent...
The Compleat Busoni, Volume 1 by Larry Sitsky - 9781760465933
The Compleat Busoni, Volume 1
Larry Sitsky
VOLUME 1: Busoni and the piano: The works, the writings, and the recordings. Larry Sitsky,...
Subjects and Aliens by Kate Bagnall - 9781760465858
Subjects and Aliens
Kate Bagnall
Subjects and Aliens confronts the problematic history of belonging in Australia and New Zealand. In...
Southern Limestones under Western Eyes by Brian McGowran - 9781760465872
Southern Limestones under Western Eyes
Brian McGowran
Science, the growth of reliable knowledge, became a major triumph of the European Enlightenment in...
Resisting Indonesia's Culture of Impunity by Jess Melvin - 9781760465834
Resisting Indonesia's Culture of Impunity
Jess Melvin
Resisting Indonesia's Culture of Impunity examines the role of Indonesia's first truth and reconciliation commission-the...
CambridgeMATHS NSW Stage 6 Standard Year 11 by Gregory Powers - 9781108434638
CambridgeMATHS NSW Stage 6 Standard Year 11
Gregory Powers
Snowflakes, a series of eight readers for students of classes 1 to 8, is meant...
Specialist Mathematics VCE Units 3&4 by Michael Evans - 9781009110570
Specialist Mathematics VCE Units 3&4
Michael Evans
Specialist Mathematics VCE Units 1&2 by David Treeby - 9781009110532
Specialist Mathematics VCE Units 1&2
David Treeby
What is the It? by Stan Emerson - 9781760024765
What is the It?
Stan Emerson
Each year sees a fresh intake of judges' associates to Australia's courts. The proofing of...
Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus by Hal R. Varian (University of California, Berkeley) - 9780393937145
Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus
Hal R. Varian (University of California, Berkeley)
The #1 text for Intermediate Microeconomics from the Chief Economist at Google! What makes Hal...